Neos Con 2025

Neos Con features high-class speakers and deep-dive tech and developer talks, bringing the Neos community together every year.

Meet the "who-is-who" of the international Neos community: team members, developers, agencies, organisations and (maybe) future colleagues and friends.

As last year, we're also offering accomodation including breakfast and dinner for conference attendees directly on-site - which will make the conference feeling even more intense.

More about the Neos CMS project:

Where does the event happen? GenoHotel Karlsruhe GmbH & Co. KG
Am Rüppurrer Schloss 40
76199 Karlsruhe

When does the event happen?
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Conference Ticket

  • Join us for a great Neos Conference 2025!
  • Self-service: You can easily change the attendee names up to 3 days before the conference.
  • Main conference dates: 19.06.-20.06.2025
  • Note: If you pay by bank transfer, you can save 3%.

During checkout, you can book your hotel room and additional workshops.

from 505,00 € to 890,00 €
  • You can change the attendee name until three days before the event (free of charge) - so if you know you're joining us with a few colleagues, get your tickets now.

13 currently available

505,00 € plus 19% USt.

Supporter Ticket

If you want to support the Neos project while ordering a Neos Conference ticket, this is for you. The extra 400 € per-ticket will directly benefit the Neos project, and will be used for advancing Neos further.

13 currently available

890,00 € plus 19% USt.